Friday, October 11, 2024

Count downs, cute babies, family and vehicles

    General Conference weekend was amazing! And in my free time I made a paper-chain count down, only 224 sleeps until the last day of elementary school! 

I may have used every last piece of construction paper that I had.

Look at this cute sandy mess! Reese is a happy beach baby.

    I had a fun few hours with the Wendel girls Monday morning. We spent a lot of time in the basement.

She kept sneaking upstairs to watch Rachel cut the dogs hair.

    And Sunday afternoon I convinced everyone to take family photos. Not our best lighting or location, but better than nothing.

We'll get more professional ones in May, hopefully.
    And a couple boys have had vehicle changes. Brock just purchased his first car, a 1997 Mazda Protege. He's never felt so much freedom!

This cars got it all, standard transmission and everything.

    And Isaac decided to be practical & mature, and sold his truck to get out of vehicle debt and bought himself a 2013 Toyota Corolla, all cash, so now he can really start saving some money.
Bye, bye, Tacoma, it's been real!

Hello little lady!

    And more fun photos of baby Reese. I think she's a fan of the bath!
Look at that smile!

    I really did love General conference! Brad Wilcox nailed it with his talk and his final line, "Don't let the world change you when you were meant to change the world." And, without a doubt, the children's choir won conference. I could start weeping just thinking of the spirit they brought. 
    And, guess what time it is? End of water season time! Only three more days and Greg can shut down the P.I. system. Can I get a, "Whoot, whoot?!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Happy Fall & happy 14th birthday to Mick

    We, Greg and I, got to watch a friends football game, they won!

Such a fun night!

    We celebrated Mick's 14th birthday, officially and unofficially. He got a whole new bed, soda, chips and apple pie!
    I helped celebrate my good friends 40th birthday with pedicures and treats. 

    We got all new witch-themed Halloween decorations and I love it!


    And what's better then two toddlers attempting to make pancakes all by themselves?! So naughty but hilarious! (when it's not in my kitchen.)
I mean, look how serious Elliot is about this project. All she needs is an apron and chef's hat!

    Another fun week and now we're headed into the best weekend of fall. Bring on General Conference! I can't wait!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Ok, it's fall

    Pretty girls, pretty leaves, pretty nails. I can't believe how cute all these grand girls are! I'm also super bummed that I missed the visit with baby Reese but I'm glad Kayli, Charlie and the girls could visit with her Sunday afternoon. (That's the last time I let my calling interfere with my grandkids!)

The cutest matching girls!

    Greg and I enjoyed a motorcycle ride Saturday afternoon and the colors were spectacular and the weather was perfect.
This is up South Provo canyon


My handsome biking buddy/chauffeur.

    I took a quick video while we made our way down the south Provo canyon. Obviously video and photos don't do it justice, but you get a glimpse of the gorgeous views.

    Fun visit with cute baby Reese.
She's adorable!

    And I'm currently obsessed with my first set of Halloween themed nails. 

    And how cute is Beau in her most recent preschool photo?! She's growing up so fast!

    So there you have it, another great week. Fall is here and I do love the change of colors but I'm also wishing for an Indian summer, so if you experience warmer weather then usual in the next couple weeks, I'll take all the blame/credit!

Friday, September 20, 2024


    We had a fun time with the grand-girls Saturday. They're the most fun!

This wagon from Costco is a win with these girls.

    And look what my most recent renter got me, a beautiful bouquet of flowers. 
I have a feeling Rachel had a lot to do with this surprise.

    And this picture of Reese and her big sister was shared with me recently. Adorable!

Cute twinners!

    Life is good!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Bubble wrap and full circles

    We wrapped miss Elliot in bubble wrap to keep her safe. She didn't like it!

Silly girl.

    Charlie got Kayli to go to the school carnival earlier this week and I requested they get a photo in front of the school so we can have photo documentation of who we started with and who we're ending with at this elementary school. (May of 2025 can't get here soon enough!)
Kayli began kindergarten here in 2002 and Charlie will wrap up 6th grade here in May of 2025. (What's the prize for the mom who endured 23 years of kids in elementary school?)

They might be sisters. 

    Not a lot of activities to report on but another great week!

Friday, September 6, 2024


    Elliot Ren is cute, crazy and maybe just a little bit accident prone. 

She made her way into the basket of the bike.

    And thank goodness this 'ouchy' didn't happen at my house falling from a bike basket. This happened at her house falling on a toy chair. Poor girl!
So sad.

A little glue and she's nearly good as new. 

    This girl needs some bubble wrap and a helmet!

And that's all I've got for this week.

Friday, August 30, 2024

A fun variety

    From a night watching bands in the park to a new set of gel nails, it's been a fun week.

With good friends watching one of our favorite young men and his band. Fun night!

    These two made a double decker hammock haven.
    And we love a chance to hang out with these three 'crazies'!

Stunts with Aunt Charlie for the win.

This girl never stops eating and cereal, marshmallows and strawberry milk is a fan-favorite.

Last, but not least, my newest set of gel-nails. Love them!

        The last week of August has been nice and the weather has been great! Now we get to look forward to a three-day weekend.