How did they know to put that leg-lamp behind us?! |
Definitely worth the drive into the city. |
And then Charlie finished up her basketball season and at her last game she made lots of points, her best game overall.
Fun team. |
How did they know to put that leg-lamp behind us?! |
Definitely worth the drive into the city. |
Fun team. |
Our friends let their two boys tagalong with Greg while he was plowing and they loved it. |
And for some reason Charlie had this photo shoot with Smalls. He's nearly 10 years old and it's starting to show. |
Thanks goodness it's already nearly all melted away! |
We must have a cute Valentine Hairdo! |
Thank goodness Greg was the parent on the hook for the dancing. |
Charlie definitely preferred hanging out with her friends. |
Proof we were there. |
Group dances are the favorite dances. |
Elliot liked sitting on a whole stack of chairs and brought over no less then 5 chairs to be stacked before she sat down. It was hilarious. |
Beau and Harley brought over cute Valentine cards for a few of us. |
This is how you spend your wait time at the dentist office. |
A curved gaming monitor. |
He's very own jello-cheesecake. (Not photographed, but it must be documented, he also got Mt. Dew, Taki's and sushi.) |