I did get my outside fall decorations put together and they came together better than I expected, even without the wagon/wagon wheel.
I was able to put this together with Greg's help of course and a little inspiration from Google and a shopping trip to Walmart and Smith's.
Also this week I've taken these photos.
He likes to make a bed out of just about anything that's left on the floor.
Had a little one on one time with my niece Miss Lexi.
Charlie's got to be one of the boys.
This is where the puppy goes when he needs a safe place to hide from the kids. (Under my chair.)
Greg and the boys are camping in the back yard tonight because Greg is on call and can't be up in the canyon with the rest of our wards father and son camp out that's going on tonight.
They will be going up the canyon with the ward for dinner so they aren't too broken up.
Also this week we had the privilege of hosting the missionaries for dinner. That's only the second time we've had that opportunity in 20 years. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos. So that's our week. Next week we'll be celebrating McClane's fifth birthday! Time goes too quickly with these kids. :-)
These warm days are drawing to a close and we're all in a little denial.
Summer should never end!
Charlie is still obsessed with her wiggle car.
And enjoying fresh salsa is going to come to an end soon as well.
This is the best way to eat your veggies.
And some days you just need a burger from In N Out.
These two are FUN!
We've also got some major roadwork in our future.
Nothing like huge equipment slowly driving down our quite little neighborhood streets.
We've already been dealing with quite a bit of construction type stuff in our neighborhood all summer and the worst is yet to come. Asphalt grinding and more but a new road when it's all done so we'll take the mess for now.
As for me, the plan today is to display the 15 pumpkins that grew in Greg's garden all summer. I don't love the cooler weather but I do enjoy some of the perks of fall.
Look for photos of my pumpkin display next week. From the photos I've been looking at online it looks like I'm going to need an old fashion covered wagon or at least some wagon wheels and a few other things to really make it what I want but I have a feeling I'm going to be slightly disappointed but I'm sure we'll get something decent put together.
I'm going to start with what has become our newest nightmare. Some people don't think terrible twos are all that bad and some people don't even believe in them. But this is my reality! I walk despite the utter insanity that ensues but I sure don't love it. This is just a small glimpse of what goes on with Charlie while riding in the stroller.
This literally went on for over 30 minutes. My friend and I could not believe her tantrum endurance. She definitely should win some sort of prize for her persistence. And I'd love to hear the thoughts and comments of all the strangers we passed on the trail who couldn't believe what they were seeing.
As for the rest of the week we've had some other fun stuff going on. There was the Kmetzsch gathering at Sugarhouse Park where the kids had lots of fun on their scooters and playing at the nearby playground.
Charlie and Brock
Brock, McClane and Isaac
Kayli and baby cousin, Lexi.
I also enjoyed a morning date with two of my "people" at Denny's.
And tonight I'm headed up the American Fork Canyon with Isaac and his scout group for a mom and son camp out. It was fun last year and I'm sure it will be just as fun this year.
And here's how much I'm loved by at least one family member.
This is what happens when I walk out the door and he isn't allowed to follow. I sure love this small fur ball!
We're in the thick of harvest time! We've been enjoying batches of Greg's infamous salsa about once a week and he was able to put up about 8 or 9 quarts of pickles that the boys will devour this fall.
And just because.
He's fairly comfortable I'd say!
Her first time with painted fingernails and she was pretty impressed. Thanks to Aunt Ann for the fast drying nail polish!