Friday, June 14, 2024

Graphic photos and non-graphic

    This first photo is proof that summer and water chores are back in full swing. Poor Greg!


    Saturday Charlie had a little mishap with the neighbors treadmill. She somehow got her foot snagged while sitting by it as it was going 12 mph and it really took her for a ride. She had scrapes and bruises all over but these are the worse ones.
That thigh one has been a real beast!

    But that didn't stop her from going to the Cedar Hills firework show that same night with one of our most favorite friends, Kat!


    I also got some bonus photos to share from Reese's baby blessing.

The cutest grand-girls!

And a couple favorite photos for sure!

    Kayli and the girls even got to have a play date with baby Reese earlier this week. Such a treat!

    And some current photos of Charlie's injuries. Everything's healing nicely despite how yucky that thigh photo is. She'll be back to normal in no time.

Hopefully we can avoid scarring!

    Summer is fun, even when you're hurt or have to work!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Baby Reese

    Cute baby Reese was blessed this past Sunday and we were thrilled to be included in her special day. She's seriously the cutest!

What a blessing!


She's so sweet!


    And sometimes, on my morning walks, I can't help but be in awe of these incredible mountains. Although photos don't do them justice I still had to try to document the sun was hitting them just right.

    And after an unfortunate scratch on the lens of my best reading glasses, Ms. Harley got to keep her Joey's glasses permanently and Beau deemed her a "Joey-Fairy". She's hilarious!

    Another nice week of summer break in the books.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Birthdays and Youth Adventures!

    From Saturday to Saturday we've crammed in a lot of fun! Harley and Elliot celebrated their 3rd and 1st birthdays together and Kayli, like always, went all out on the celebration. What a fun birthday party and two of the cutest girls around!

Elliot is all ready for her birthday cupcake. 



Harley's the craziest 3 year old around! 

Gumball gift for the win! 

    And who can resist selfie-Sunday with these two cuties!


    And a quick, middle of the week, project, a new garage door after ours bit the dust a week ago, in a big way. Thank goodness this got done before we had to leave for Moab.


Just a little over an hour and the installer was done! 

 Then, ready or not, it was time for our ward youth 'conference' to float the Colorado River in Moab. Three days and two nights! Fun times, great youth, great leaders, amazing river guides and lots of sand, water and epic events!

Headed down to Dead Horse Point for a quick look around before starting our river adventure. Our cute youth passengers were great. 

Dead Horse Point was pretty cool. 

McClane and Damon taking a look. 


Brock is ready to get to the water! 

Sometimes you slip and fall into the river when all you wanted to do was rinse your feet off. 

Greg brought his 'big-boy' chair. 

 And why wouldn't you bring this vintage yellow chair to camp!?

 First night devotional.

Loving this river float! 

Greg always needs a little time to adjust to the freezing cold water.

 Such pretty red rock!

 Mick loved it and slept amazing both nights!

    Such a great start to our summer break! Can't wait to see what's next!