We've had another fun but not all fun week. Actually I'm speaking more from my own perspective. I think all the kids have had a great week even when I wasn't.
The first of the week wasn't too special and by Wednesday things got a little more interesting. McClane went in for his six month check-up. I can't begin to explain how quickly these past six months have gone. He was a champ at the doctors. He even laughed out loud when the doctor pressed hard on his tummy and it was breaking my heart knowing how it was all going to end. Sure enough after the doctor was done the nurse came in for the three shots he needed and he stopped laughing and quickly went to crying. Oh how I hate those shots. I'm so glad they quickly forget and he did forget fairly quickly. He weighed in at about 16 lbs. and is 27 1/2 inches long and staying on a pretty steady growing curve.Then I got sick and I don't mean a mild cold but laid out in bed for an entire day with a nasty stomach bug. No doubt without mom to keep things running life can get crazy but suprisingly things went ok and thankfully both Brock and McClane were very cooperative and the older kids stepped up and helped out for the most part. (Getting any of them to do homework is never easy so there was about an hour of my bed rest where I was actually screaming and yelling for people to do what they were suppose to but I digress.) Brock even climbed into bed with me and took a nice long nap making things even easier. I have to say, I think it was the first time since we've lived in this house that I've never even set foot downstairs for an entire day. I'm just going to imagine it was clean and all beds were made the way I like it. Greg was also a huge help even though he was unable to take the day off to stay home with me. He did take the next day off as I still was recovering and I started to feel a little better and today I think I'm nearly back to normal but I didn't have my traditional Saturday breakfast, a "Dunford" chocolate donut so you know I'm not 100% quite yet. The only real benefit to this sickness is I have no appetite so maybe I'll lose these five to 10 lbs. without having to officially diet.
The biggest event of the week was the purchase of our new family toy. A 2005 black Honda Ruckus. Greg's been shopping on line for one for several months and finally the perfect one for the perfect price came up and thankfully it was only about 20 miles away so he and the neighbor made a quick trip to Midvale and picked it up.
Needless to say, both Kayli and Mark are loving this new ride as am I even though I haven't had much chance to ride it yet.
And last night was a big one for Isaac who moved on to green belt in his Bushi Ban karate class. He did really great with the testing and at the ceremony last night and he's looking forward to progressing even more. There's no promise of him getting his black belt, in fact this is highly unlikely but for now karate is doing nothing but good for his self confidence and self defense ablities.
This is Bobbi Porter, Isaac's best friend and a big reason why Isaac's in karate. |
I think this is all the excitement I'll share for now.
I can't believe Mclane is already 6 months and I haven't been able to see him or hold him. He is so stinkin cute.
What exactly is a Honda Ruckus? Is it a motorcycle or a scooter? If it's a scooter then I am so jealous. I have always wanted to ride one of those. I guess that means we try harder to come for a visit this summer.
So proud of how your Blog is coming. Get better so you can come out and talk with us all and eat some chocolate :)
now with that new Honda you should be able to have better gas mileage when You come to Texas to visit. You will have to find a trailer that will fit all the kids though! Have fun and be safe with that new toy!!
Sorry you were sick. That isn't any fun. I am glad you are doing better though.
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