Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter and Spring Break

        We keep it simple around here when it comes to celebrating Easter. We just do a simple egg hunt in the backyard on Saturday and our Sunday is left for regular church service and hopefully some reflection on the true meaning of the Easter holiday.

Before the hunt.

A slightly less silly photo except for Mr. Ham/Carter.

McClane got to start out on his own and he was thrilled with the whole idea.

Brock got to go next and he didn't do too bad loading up on eggs.

Carter didn't do too bad either.

And Isaac also did great.

And here's the final result.  And don't feel bad for Kayli, she hid the eggs so she didn't really get to do much hunting.
         Every kid got one special egg that had a little money in it and they all had different ideas of what to spend their cash on.  To the boys great delight the nearby candy store is having a moving sale so you can just imagine the load of sweets they bought themselves.  As a mom who loves sweets I really couldn't say too much so it just might be possible that for a few days the kids ate little more than sugary treats for nearly every meal.
Here's one of the purchases Brock made because every five year old needs a box of edible sugar balloons, especially when they're only a dollar for the whole box.

        We may not have gone on vacation for our Spring break but we did manage one day of the week for some fun.  We decided to take the kids to Trafalga with our Pass of all Passes.  We went to both the Lehi and Orem fun centers where the kids could play miniature golf, ride a few rides and just have some simple fun.  Greg went on the bumper boats and although I don't have a photo to share, he was drenched.  Apparently some 10 year old kid he didn't know put a hit out on him and kept his water gun on Greg the entire time.  Greg was a bit peeved but he managed to keep his cool.  He figured a grown man swearing at a 10 year old boy probably wouldn't go over too well.
Here's Isaac, Brock and Carter on the airplane ride at the Lehi Trafalga.

Greg and McClane on the inside miniature golf course.  This photo was taken with the flash.

This is actually what the miniature golf course is like, black lights and fun art all over the walls.
      And just for fun here's my side profile at the 20 week mark.  We're half way to baby number 7!

     Spring Break may be over but we still have General Conference weekend to enjoy!  Oh and don't let me fail to mention that Kayli is now officially a "learning driver".  Tune in to Facebook for the official photo if you care to see it.  It only took her ten months to finally take the official test.  If she only knew the freedom this responsibility can bring.  She may be her mother's daughter in some respects but her lack of excitement at being a licensed driver is definitely not from me!  Now look out Utah drivers, she's coming!!


Elaine Baker said...

Great pictures Shirley. Everything looks like fun. The story about Greg reminds me when I took a couple of my nieces to the car wash and they turned the hose on me. The only way I could get it back was to 'brave' the force of water and grab it from them. I was drenched and it was about 40 degrees outside as well AND I had to go to the store afterwards. I was 'peeved' as well. Give those kids a kiss and hug from their grandma.

Jackie said...

You wouldn't get peeved mom, never. lol. I am glad you enjoyed your Easter. I like the idea that you treat Sunday just as a normal day to remember the true meaning of Easter. I think I might take you up on that idea from now on.