Friday, October 11, 2024

Count downs, cute babies, family and vehicles

    General Conference weekend was amazing! And in my free time I made a paper-chain count down, only 224 sleeps until the last day of elementary school! 

I may have used every last piece of construction paper that I had.

Look at this cute sandy mess! Reese is a happy beach baby.

    I had a fun few hours with the Wendel girls Monday morning. We spent a lot of time in the basement.

She kept sneaking upstairs to watch Rachel cut the dogs hair.

    And Sunday afternoon I convinced everyone to take family photos. Not our best lighting or location, but better than nothing.

We'll get more professional ones in May, hopefully.
    And a couple boys have had vehicle changes. Brock just purchased his first car, a 1997 Mazda Protege. He's never felt so much freedom!

This cars got it all, standard transmission and everything.

    And Isaac decided to be practical & mature, and sold his truck to get out of vehicle debt and bought himself a 2013 Toyota Corolla, all cash, so now he can really start saving some money.
Bye, bye, Tacoma, it's been real!

Hello little lady!

    And more fun photos of baby Reese. I think she's a fan of the bath!
Look at that smile!

    I really did love General conference! Brad Wilcox nailed it with his talk and his final line, "Don't let the world change you when you were meant to change the world." And, without a doubt, the children's choir won conference. I could start weeping just thinking of the spirit they brought. 
    And, guess what time it is? End of water season time! Only three more days and Greg can shut down the P.I. system. Can I get a, "Whoot, whoot?!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Happy Fall & happy 14th birthday to Mick

    We, Greg and I, got to watch a friends football game, they won!

Such a fun night!

    We celebrated Mick's 14th birthday, officially and unofficially. He got a whole new bed, soda, chips and apple pie!
    I helped celebrate my good friends 40th birthday with pedicures and treats. 

    We got all new witch-themed Halloween decorations and I love it!


    And what's better then two toddlers attempting to make pancakes all by themselves?! So naughty but hilarious! (when it's not in my kitchen.)
I mean, look how serious Elliot is about this project. All she needs is an apron and chef's hat!

    Another fun week and now we're headed into the best weekend of fall. Bring on General Conference! I can't wait!