Friday, September 2, 2016

A new week of school and home adventures.

     McClane finally got his turn for his first day of school/kindergarten!
Such a cute boy! I love his dangling earlobes!
      Now it's just Charlie at home living it up.
Chocolate milk and candy, the best diet of any 3 year old.
    And Mark finally had a doctor visit where we could put a couple issues to rest. He weighs 148 and is 6'5" despite his hopes of 6'6"/6'7". He does however have a crooked neck, which he insists is 'stunting' his growth!

Here's an actual picture of his neck/upper back where it's more obviously crooked.
Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with him. Apparently his right rib didn't form completely and that's most likely the reason for the curvature in his upper back/lower neck area.

Our fridge died Wednesday morning. Greg thinks it might've been dying a few days prior to Wednesday because things in the fridge weren't so cold. Thankfully everything in the freezer was fine but our 8 gallons of milk were on the verge of being wasted so thankfully I found an almost perfect replica of our fridge only in stainless steel in the classified ads. Needless to say our Wednesday was a small adventure driving clear out to West Jordan and then doing some cleaning, rearranging and a little demolition. The cabinets above the fridge had to be removed to make the air circulation better so this fridge might last a little longer than our original one. My only dilemma now is how to make the stainless steel look newer and get rid of some of the spill stains I've discovered! Yikes!
(Once our old fridge was out we discovered the problem and it's now working just fine so now the question is do we keep it as a second fridge or try to sale it?!)
In place and the hole where the cabinet was is dealt with for now.
Now on to a new project! These three day weekends are when I get my amazing man to do things on my wish list! I can't WAIT!!!


Elaine Baker said...

I say "keep the fridge". Do you have room for it in your basement storage room? Also, maybe Mark will find a girlfriend in the distant future who has an extra piece of a 'rib'. If so, he should know that she is meant for him. Thanks for the cute pictures. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for the fireplace.

Jackie said...

Ooohh..we need to skype so I can find out what your ideas are for the fireplace. I don't think I will be able to wait until it's finished. Oh, and yes keep the fridge if you think it would be used for extra food storage. You do already have a deep freezer though don't you? Plus, power bill might go up? Decisions...I like the new fridge, but be careful, the stainless steel get dings in them really easily. Ours has them everywhere ;( Maybe ours is a cheaper version?
I am glad to hear Mark's crooked neck isn't a problem. Weird.