Friday, February 14, 2025

Last Valentine's Dance!

    Another cute set of Valentine-themed gel-nails. A fairly good amount of snowfall. Surprise Valentine treats and flowers. And Charlie's 6th grade dance, and one more 'last-dance' at the elementary school for me!

 Thanks goodness it's already nearly all melted away!

We must have a cute Valentine Hairdo!


Thank goodness Greg was the parent on the hook for the dancing.

Charlie definitely preferred hanging out with her friends.

Proof we were there.

Group dances are the favorite dances.

    A nice week. 197 sleeps until the last day of school and even less sleeps until warmer weather and longer days!

Friday, February 7, 2025

We actually did some things

    Saturday we attended the baptism of a good friend and got to spend a little time with the grand-girls. I had to grab a picture of the two who insisted on sitting on the smaller chairs.

Elliot liked sitting on a whole stack of chairs and brought over no less then 5 chairs to be stacked before she sat down. It was hilarious.

    I finally got a couple photos of McClane playing basketball. This last game was probably the best game his team has played all season, but sadly they still lost.

Beau and Harley brought over cute Valentine cards for a few of us.

    And this week turned into a few dentist appointments with a subsequent orthodontist visit for McClane.
This is how you spend your wait time at the dentist office.

    And just when I thought we were getting ahead of our finances, the dishwasher springs a leak and needs to be replaced. So much for our credit card cash rewards going in the bank!


    So that's about it. Back to doing dishes the easy way.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Throwback to June 2022

    Another slow week and no photos to share so I decided to throw-back to, nearly three years ago, when I saw these two comedians perform and got to meet them after the show. It was great and today, Aaron, on the right, dropped his 30 minute special on YouTube, "Aaron Weber, Signature Dish". It's hilarious & well worth your time if you feel inclined to check it out.


    Good-bye January! We're ready for this year-long month to be over.

Friday, January 24, 2025

No celebrating but gearing up

    Have I mentioned lately how much I love getting my nails done!? This latest set, gearing up for Valentine's day, is a new favorite. I'm obsessed! 


    Sadly, I have no other photos to share and really nothing new or exciting to report about. It's just a typical week in sad, cold January. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Brock's 17!

    We had a pretty chill week and a simple celebration for Brock's 17th birthday. He got the exact gift he asked for and the infamous jello-cheesecake he loves, hopefully that makes for a happy young man.

A curved gaming monitor.

He's very own jello-cheesecake. (Not photographed, but it must be documented, he also got Mt. Dew, Taki's and sushi.)

    And Charlie did pretty great at her most recent basketball game, especially considering half the team was m.i.a. so she had to play nearly the entire game with only one short break.

    What's next? We'll see! (And lets not forget, only 125 sleeps until we're done with elementary school!)

Friday, January 10, 2025

Bonus Reese photos and a bit more

    We're still on cloud-9 after our time with Reese and only wish we saw her more often. She's just the cutest and here's most of the photos that Greg had on his phone.
Just like Harley, she loved playing with Joey's glasses.






    And today we had a couple hours with the '3-crazies' and I couldn't help putting in some braided pigtails.


A rare snuggle from the craziest of the crazies.

    We've made it through our first full week of school and work of the New Year and, so far so good. Next week we celebrate Brock's birthday and keep counting down the school days at the elementary level. (Only 132 more sleeps.)
    And, no photos yet, but basketball season has officially started for Charlie and McClane.

Friday, January 3, 2025

A great start to 2025

    We had a special start to our year. We got to watch baby Reese for nearly the whole week and it's been so fun and memorable. (Sad she won't remember.) Here's most of the photos and one video from our 'Reese-week'. 

First, I got a cute set of winter nails. Another fun set!

She's the cutest and very popular.

She wished she could get her hands on that cat.

Meeting the Great Grandparents.

Fun times with Rachel.

A 'mini-Rachel'

Fun night putting together personal puzzles.

Meeting Great Aunt Ann and Great Uncle David.

Walking everywhere.



A fun visit with Grandma Karen

Final snuggles before little Reese heads home.

And one last 'out-back adventure' with papa.

    There are more photos on Greg's phone that I'll share next week. We're beyond happy for the opportunity we've had to spend these last 4 days with Reese. She's the sweetest and it was worth a few hours of lost sleep to have her stay with us.
    And here's a couple photos that are proof we did celebrate the New Year, well some of us. And a random bonus photo of Greg and Georgia, who is 5 years old today.


    Now back to real-life in t-minus three sleeps!