Saturday, April 27, 2013

Carter's 8!

       Carter finally had his birthday.  He's been reminding us about his birthday and counting down the months, weeks and days for over six months now.  And his gift ideas have changed several times over the past several months as you can imagine.  He really truly wants a motorcycle he can ride but those don't come cheap so the second choice was a train and not a "kid" train. These also don't come cheap but they're not as much as a motorcycle so that's what he got.  He was playing with it all night and was up this morning at 6:00 a.m. to play some more so I guess he likes it. We won't officially celebrate his birthday until next Saturday when he's baptized. We figured it would be easier to have everyone gather just once so cake and ice cream are still to come.

The traditional birthday balloons.

Birthday mail.

Even better, birthday mail with cash inside!  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Baker!

Another card with a little more cash from Great Grandma Baker.

Finally it was present time.  He had to wait until nearly 6 p.m., pure torture!

This is no little kid train!

And here's a little more track to go with the train set.

This is the test run with a train his dad already had.  One benefit to this kind of train, it doesn't require batteries or charging time,  just plug it in and play indefinitely,  perfect!

Now it's time for his birthday trains test run.

Just what every boy needs!
         Well that's Carter's birthday in a nutshell.  I sure hope he can hold out discussing his ninth birthday for at least a few days:-)


Elaine Baker said...

Cool Carter! Another 8 year old child ready to be baptized. Where's the baby to be 'blessed' along with him? I'll never forget when you were born Carter. Happy Birthday!

Jackie said...

Can't believe he's 8! Wish we could be there to celebrate. Happy Birthday Carter.