Sunday, June 15, 2014

Grandma's house AND the beach!

     We finally got to go to Oregon to start our much needed vacation. So far it's been fantastic!  First we spent 'a minute' at G & G Baker's house and a little time at Klamath Lake.
Charlie getting a good look at her grandpa in his leather 'biker' vest!
At Klamath Lake feeding seagulls because we couldn't see any ducks.
          Now on to the beach and our fun/rustic beach house at Gold Beach, Oregon.
Our fun beach house.

The back of the beach house.
  • The cool monkey tree out in the front of the beach house.  I'd love to take it home but they frown on removing 'permanent' vegetation.

First day on the deck of the beach house.  Got to love that view behind them!
Flying kites all day, every day.
This little beauty hit her 10-month mark our second day on the beach.
Brock couldn't get enough of the sand and water.
Kayli was such a great helper with the little people.
They really enjoyed the hot tubs on the beach.
Memories to last a life time!!
Buried 'alive'!
Mark's turn!

Isaac became pretty good at the 'skim board' as did Mark and Carter.  Thanks to Uncle Paul for letting us borrow those three boards.
Yes!  It came out of the bucket almost perfectly.
Tiny Charlie feet.
There's nothing like putting my feet in the sand, I love IT!
Despite the wind we still managed to have a fire on the beach.
Naps with this girl are the best.
     I've taken many, many more photos but these 'few' photos give you a small glimpse into our fun.  We've had wind, rain and sun, yummy pizza from the two pizza places in Gold Beach, dilly bars from the nearby DQ and lots of snacks and soda.  We all had a GREAT time and between flying kites, playing in the hot tubs, doing a little skim boarding, sitting on the beach around a fire roasting marshmallows and enjoying the cable TV in the beach house I'd say we've made the most of our three full days on the Oregon Coast and Greg's managed to stay off the phone with work problems for at least today ;-). 


Jackie said...

Soo much fun for all of you!!! It looks gorgeous! I am glad you all had such a good time!

Anonymous said...

I am oh so jelly that it couldn't be there. So glad you enjoyed your time. Hope you made it safely home.

Anonymous said...

*That's supposed to say I couldn't be there.