Friday, November 21, 2014

Silly girl :-)

     Charlie is super busy! She's into everything and goes non-stop. The minute I try to sit down she begins to climb all over me. It's a rare moment when she'll actually stop and sit on my lap for a quick snuggle. She's fun and exhausting and spoiled rotten. I need to get video of her "tantrums" because they're hilarious. She snorts like a bull, glares and has added folding her arms or throwing herself to the ground. It's awesome!
This is the rice cooker she frequently pulls out and plays with.

     And this is how we do hair around here because if my theory is correct this kind of hairdo will speed up the growth. Either way, it works at keeping it out of the way.
      And that's it for recent photos. I'll be posting before and after photos of the latest siding project on next week's post. It's done but tented in and therefore next to impossible to get a photo. Greg's done a great job! And can anyone explain how in the world it's already holiday season!? We went from practically summer like weather straight to freezing cold winter weather. I'm not ready for winter or Christmas but I'm very excited for the Kmetzsch Thanksgiving dinner!!

1 comment:

Elaine Baker said...

Cute little Charlie sitting on a rice cooker.....and it's Holiday season because we're in November and that's when Thanksgiving is. Next month, it's Christmas. That's the way the months go. They speed up when you get close to 40 years old.