Friday, April 15, 2016

The girls & a boy

     Kayli has been dealing with some toenail and foot fungus issues for quite awhile now and we finally got around to dealing with it by seeing a podiatrist this week. She had a portion of her big toenail removed and has begun taking a prescription to kill the fungus that is plaguing her feet. It was also the first time she's ever had her blood drawn. She definitely wasn't a fan of any of the procedures but is hoping her feet look and feel healthier soon. Kayli also has a new job working at a clothing store in American Fork that hopefully will provide more hours/money and she also has applied to UVU for this coming fall.
She wasn't happy I was taking photos.
    And Charlie is just cute and silly.
Falling asleep watching a show can be interesting.
Who needs a doll for the doll stroller when Charlie can use it.
     I also need to share how fun McClane can be. I've never had a kid who's always thinking and discussing things, he's quite chatty and very observant and detailed. Today we made a quick run to Costco to buy a couple bags of these delicious cookies we have discovered and on the way home he had the bag open beside him and had decided he was only going to eat a few before getting home but then I heard him say, "They smell so delicious, I'm going to have two more." He cracks me up!!
I LOVE this cute kid!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Poor Kayli! Having your blood drawn is the worst. Good to know it is getting all sorted. So, Kirra and Jovi aren't the only ones who use the doll pram. lol. So surprised it hasn't broke yet. I caught Shae pushing Kirra super super fast across the house while Kirra had the most terrified look on her face telling her to stop. I found it rather amusing even though it drives me nuts when they sit in it. Oh, and those cookies are good. =)