Friday, May 13, 2016

Not a lot of photos

    This week has been far less eventful than the past few weeks. There was a kindergarten physical for McClane, a second grade program for Brock, work for Mark and not much at all for Isaac and Carter and of course we rarely see Kayli so we rarely get photos of her but of course I took a couple random photos of Charlie.
He was the bravest getting three shots!
He's Mr. Smiley!
An emergency shift for his buddy, he looks thrilled to be there.
Snuggling baby Elsie and playing Batman.
    This song was most relatable and worth saving for Brock who has a tendency to lose control. He may have learned this song at school but he hasn't put the message into effect in his personal life.
    So that's our week. I would have mentioned Mother's Day but it turned out to be a bit of a bust! Maybe in a few months I'll be comfortable talking about it without showing bitterness and resentment. I can give you a hint though, Greg got this for himself the day after Mother's Day so even though I wasn't thought much of 'gift' wise, at least I can say Father's Day is already done!
Happy early Father's Day to Greg! Enjoy wearing this once you're allowed out of the DOG HOUSE!!


Grandpa Baker said...

Now a few weeks ago you were sorta complaining:
"Greg and I also enjoyed a Harley ride to the top of Suncrest the other night! The only problem I'm dealing with now is I want to take the Harley all the time and Greg doesn't! Either I need to learn to drive it myself or use my powers of persuasion more seriously!"

Then just last week you wrote:
"A fun ride up the canyon for Greg and me. Greg's finally starting to get into this biker business!

So I guess what you're saying this week is he has now gone too far into the biker business! Has he gotten any tattoos yet? or how about piercings? Is he wearing colors from the local bike gang? Has he neglected the yard?

Your Mom and I were having a discussion this morning about "what women say" and "what men hear", so I guess you have to be very clear when using your powers of persuasion.

I have always thought that if we all honored our Mothers on our Birthday, she would be honored a few more days a year than just once on a year on "Mothers Day"! (or maybe I read this all wrong and what you are saying is, "Where is my leather jacket?") lol

Elaine Baker said...

Dad's argument has always been: "You're not my Mother, so why should I get anything for you on Mother's Day?" Anyway, at least you can be happy to know that you have a 'cool-looking DUDE' riding/driving you around on your Harley. Next time you go for a ride, be sure YOU wear a 'ripped' corduroy jacket and house slippers. Love that 'self-control' song the kids sang. I need Brock to teach it to me.