Friday, June 17, 2016

I'm DONE!!

     NINETEEN years ago I began the diaper phase of my life with only a two month break in between my two oldest and that's it, (that's 988 weeks or 228 months) but as of Monday, June 13 the diaper phase has come to an official END!! My baby isn't a baby anymore! There are no words to express my happiness and relief over the end of my diaper era.
Loved these diapers but I won't miss them!
    As for the rest of our week, we had another successful tent city and a fun surprise from the Smith family who came down from Idaho. They made it in time to watch the last half of the outdoor movie in the backyard. My only photos were of the kids being spun by their Uncle Josh but then I accidentally deleted them. But with the surprise arrival of Melissa and her family we finally got an updated family photo, minus a few bonus cousins, which also allowed us to get an immediate family photo update.
Nearly everyone was looking at the camera, which is pretty impressive considering there was no one behind the camera.
McClane wasn't his most cooperative self but over all I thought our family photo turned out pretty cute.
In order of birth all the cousins! (Again, minus the bonus cousins, but what are you going to do?!)

      Throughout the week Greg and I had some fun touring a handful of the parade of homes in our immediate area. There were houses with bowling alleys, full basketball courts, soccer courts and amazing kitchens, home theaters and master suites. Here are a few photos of some of my favorite things.
This outdoor pool was incredible and the view of it from inside was quite impressive!
With a bowling alley you must have a full on locker space for the shoes and balls. I love this metal design.
And the metal railing in this house was my absolute favorite and an awesome combination of metal and wood.
Super cute 'cubby-hole' playhouse.
This bedroom wall was the last straw for Greg, he's finally ready to do this in our bedroom!
Seriously cool ceiling looking up from the basement stairs.
And how cute and fun is this 'under the stairs play-niche'?! So awesome!!

This was not a 'parade of home' but a cool modern house near on of the 'parade of homes". (This is to inspire Ann & David)
    I also took the five youngest kids swimming at the Payson pool where we met up with most of their cousins, aunts and uncles. The kids had a blast!

      And guess what?! Greg is officially out of the doghouse! We picked up this sweet jacket this week so "Happy Father's Day" to me!! Bike rides all day, every day now we've got our matching leather!
Used but barely worn. It was just what I wanted.
You can't really tell but the Harley is written with a bit of bling and this jacket also has the reflective stripes on the sleeves so it's safe and cute!
And this was a fun date night to Taco Amigo with the neighbors for the BEST fresh strawberry milkshakes I've ever had!
       Now we get to look forward to a bit of a slower week and weekend.

1 comment:

Elaine Baker said...

Fun fun fun! Love the jacket.