Friday, October 7, 2016

The littles!

    McClane took a trip to the dentist to check on the bottom big tooth that's growing behind his baby tooth only to find out he also has two cavities. Time to wiggle out some baby teeth and 'make his teeth sleepy' so the dentist can fill those cavities. He's cute now but I have a feeling he's going to have some mangled looking teeth in the very near future.

      And this 'little' likes to play dress ups with her cute friend 'tiny' Sarah and this is how she came home tonight. Shirts in the wrong order and pants inside out, but hey, the tags in the back like it should be. I'll take this over coming home naked though, which has happened more then once! She's a character!

      Not as much going on this week but it's never completely dull and boring around here.


Jackie said...

McClane is and still will be cute crooked teeth or not. And sweet Charlie is still cute as ever, clothes inside out or backwards. I need to learn how to braid. Love her cute hair!

Elaine Baker said...

Think positive on McClane's teeth. I remember the Dentist showing me an X-Ray of Marie's teeth and he told me she was going to have crooked permanent teeth, but it never happened. Also, I never got to ask on the last posting....Is that & sign on the wall an announcement or sumpin'?