Friday, January 13, 2017

Basketball 2017

     Basketball season has officially begun! The first practices and games were last week and we have 3 of the boys playing this season so our Saturdays are going to be busy for the next several weeks. Brock was especially excited to play and despite what the photo shows he had a blast at his first game even if he was clueless of the rules, strategy, and over all know how. He'll figure it out soon enough.
Getting a pep talk from Dad on how to be a star ball player and the only decent photo I got at his first game.
Carter's pretty sure he's one of the best on his team, he thinks this every year even when his team gets slammed by their opponents.
Isaac wasn't necessarily begging to play but he does have some skills and it's good for him. He also had the cutest cheerleader there.
     And some times you just have to get silly with your dog. Yes, this was my idea with a little inspiration from Carter who started him off with the pearl necklace. This dog is such a good sport. He puts up with a lot!
Probably not the first cross-dressing dog to be photographed.
     We're headed into another busy weekend with basketball games, preference dance for Mark tomorrow night and Stake Conference. I'm singing in the choir for Saturday evenings adult session and Carter's singing in the primary choir for Sunday's session. I'm actually sitting and singing by/with a former Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer, which is pretty cool. She'd still be singing with them but apparently once you turn 60 they immediately retire you. Anyway, fun stuff. We're also looking forward to celebrating Brock's birthday Monday. Personally I'd like to be on vacation away from my kids, especially the teenagers who are giving me a lot of white hairs, but I'll just have to settle on the rare quiet moments when they're at school or work. Parenting is no joke!

1 comment:

Elaine Baker said...

Wonderful athletes, grandsons of mine. I'm so glad you're singing in the Stake Choir. Our Stake Conference is on February 5th and I have to play for the choir. The director is a former Mormon Tabernacle Choir member as well. Isn't that something? Hope Brock has a great birthday. I'm sorry, but his card will probably NOT get there in time, because the post office will be closed this Monday. I didn't take that into consideration when I mailed it. Happy Birthday Brock.