Friday, January 24, 2020


  Our cute kitty has become the animal princess of the house. We've also had our dog friend Chloe visiting all week and she's been so sweet with the cat. Both dogs like Sapphire's food better then their own so she's often at an empty bowl waiting for a refill. And Charlie is happy to cuddle with any and all of the pets. The cat actually prefers to chill on Charlie's bed above anywhere else. We also had a fun snuggle with baby Beau Sunday night. It's been a pretty easy week!
She loves her 'perch'.

Sunday naps are the best!
Aunt Charlie and cute baby Beau.
     I can't believe we're at the tail end of January! It'll be spring before we know it and I can't wait!! I'm so over winter!

1 comment:

Grandpa Baker said...

I can't believe you're over winter all ready, I am actually hoping for enough snow to use my snow blower one more time, I want to test out my impeller mod. First time in a long time I've wanted it to snow! That g grand daughter Beau is just too cute, and Charlie looks like she even likes her a little bit too.