Friday, October 30, 2020

Birthday boy!

      We have another adult in the house! How did that happen?! For Isaac's 18th birthday he bought ME a new pair of Nike's! What a good boy! Definitely my favorite! He also requested acoustic tiles for his bedroom so he can soundproof it. I don't know what exactly he has in mind but I'm happy to fulfill requests that are within my price range for birthday gifts.

    And I love a simple pumpkin pie request instead of a birthday cake that I have to make. Costco pumpkin pie is always a win at our house!

    And then it was the Halloween parade at the school and if Covid's done anything positive in my life it's this, no parents allowed at the school for big events like Halloween parades and class parties! Yay! I'm a total poor-sport when it comes to the school activities so I'm glad I had a legitimate excuse for not watching the kids walk around the gym for an hour this morning. Plus these two kids keep wearing the same costume every year so it's nothing new to see.

     Now we'll see if regular trick-or-treating will happen tomorrow. I've got a lot of full sized candy bars to hand out so I hope at least a few brave children and their parents head out. I'm sending my kids out and hopefully enough neighbors will be good sports and pass out candy. This Covid business is getting out of control. They sent out alerts on our phone today as if we're in some kind of state of emergency. Don't they realize, at this point, its a virus and it's going to spread no matter what rules they give us!? This is getting crazy! Can't wait to see what happens next week. Maybe Jesus will finally come! We need Jesus!

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