Saturday, October 22, 2022

Fun and no fun and more fun.

    Charlie had two amazing Saturdays in a row. Last Saturday she spent a fun-filled day at the scarecrow festival/Cornbelly's with her good buddies, the Lopez boys. And this Saturday she spent most of the day with her Atkinson and Smith cousins. She was in cousin heaven for sure!




    Carter is the chill uncle who Harley loves to sit with.


 Sadly, Isaac's 'new' car was hit by a crazy driver Wednesday morning. The guy hit a Prius and then Isaac and then took off but thankfully he was quickly found and made to be responsible. He actually was in a work truck so there was insurance and all involved should be made whole, eventually. The crazy thing is Isaac just lent his Trailblazer to Mark, whose truck broke down Sunday, so this accident is definitely a major inconvenience but I guess he can drive our Armada if the weather won't permit him to drive his motorcycle. At least he has one or two other options and hopefully it won't be long before Mark gets a new car and returns Isaac's more practical vehicle.


 Greg really wanted to take the Avalon on a road trip so we made a quick trip to Meridian to visit the Atkinson and Smith families. It was a fun if not very short visit and the car drove like a dream and is definitely much more fuel efficient than the Armada.

Youngest and oldest.

Fun times.

 Crazy Ella and Charlie.

Cousin raking party.

    So there's the latest and greatest. 

1 comment:

Jackie said...

See, I still keep up to date on your weekly posts.=) Looks like a good time! It was fun having you guys! And I really hope things get sorted for Isaac soon.