Friday, May 24, 2024

Food, fun, and graduations!

    Greg, apparently, is no longer allergic to seafood and he found a new favorite seafood restaurant to take us to. Everyone really loved it.

Great food and great friends.

    Harley got to take her turn wearing her Joey's childhood dress. She had lots of great poses for the camera.
She's nuts!
    On my morning walks I like to stay on the sidewalk as much as I can but this 'girl' was hogging it.

These dang deer are getting to be a real menace.

    Charlie had her last school event, the dance 'festival' that we made sure to attend.

    Beau had her preschool graduation this week and she wasn't too sure about the whole thing. She's definitely shy like her mom was at that age. Thankfully she got past the worst of it and ended the night happy.

She just loves to wear my glasses.

So sad!

No smiles but also no tears, we'll call that a win.

Party popper time.

    And another really cute girl graduated this week, Rachel is officially a Lone Peak graduate.


Congrats to the cutest graduate of the whole 2024 senior class.

    It's been a good week but we've also had our obstacles, starting with a very broken garage door. If it's not one thing, it's another. But on a happier note, Mark's little Ranger is finally all fixed, new transmission and clutch and in good working order so hopefully it won't be much longer before he's got that back at his place.
    Now on to Memorial weekend and the official start to our summer break. Technically today was the last day of school but really none of the kids have been to school the last couple days. Now we just need to let mother nature know that it's time to be warm and stay warm.

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