Saturday, June 22, 2024

Present day, a little throw back and all the in-between

    What a fun week with several fun times with grandkids. McClane had his first FSY adventure down at BYU. And we got a glimpse into baby Reese's first fishing experience and a few "throw back" photos from our Moab adventure that I failed to share previously.

These girls are adorable and loved inspecting the tiny ladybug on Papa's finger.

A tie-dye kind of day for these three.

    And a short video of cute baby Elliot!

It's official, she's a fisher-baby and also 100% a Shelby, adoption complete!

    Father's Day was pretty great for this guy!
Pickles for the win!

    I knew there had to be at least a photo or two of me braiding hair on our Moab adventure because that's where I shine. 
I didn't braid everyone's hair, but almost.

And how did I not have this photo sooner?! Greg may need some tips from our Bishopric 2nd counselor on how to do proper 'duck' lips.

    And McClane and our good buddy, Landon, had their first FSY experience and from what I can gather they had a blast! 
I helped Landon get settled and therefore failed to get a photo of McClane in his actual dorm room so I grabbed one from outside the window, silly but better then nothing. (Glad he was on the first floor.)

    And look at this gorgeous sunset! God's the best artist!

And look who popped in yesterday! These crazies!

Heading home.

They survived FSY and I'm pretty sure, McClane at least, is ready to go again!

    So there you have it! Another great week of summer! 
(Not photographed was a quick trip to Evanston for 'illegal' fireworks with a few neighbors. And a trip to the movies with Charlie and her two friends.)

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