Friday, July 19, 2024

A trip, a visit and a princess.

    We made a trip to Idaho and Oregon last weekend and, despite Greg's work stress, we enjoyed our visit with family. I didn't take as many photos as I should have but we had fun. And we were happy we could hear my nephew share his thoughts before leaving on his two year LDS mission to Argentina. We also had some of the best food at both my brother's house and my sister's. (It's almost like they're Baker's or something.)

Quick dinner at McDonald's.

Cousin time is the best time.

A little jam session and visit at Tad's house.

    After getting back from our trip we had a visit from the three 'crazies'! These girls are such fun!

Only at Joey's house do you get goldfish and marshmallows for lunch.

Photos by Harley

Photos of Harley.

    And here's the princess. I mean, who does this cat think she is?! She's living her best  life for sure.
    And I may be a bit of a princess myself. I love getting my nails done and nothing makes me happier than bright colors!


    So that's the fun we've been having. We won't talk about how far into summer we are and how close the new school year is. Yuck!

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