Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lets get started!

Ok, I've given in and decided it's time to start a family blog.  This was brought on for several reasons but the top reason is so our family can keep a watch on our family from afar or nearby without relying on Facebook alone.  I'm going to try really hard to do this once a week and even though life may be boring from week to week there's no obligation to anyone to read or check this out so I can just count it as part of my journaling each week if nothing else.
Recently our family has added baby number six and even though he's nearly 6 months old already he's been a true angel baby.  I've had great babies but he definitely takes the cake for best overall baby to join this family.
All the kids are doing ok in school but its definitely not our strongest attribute but life is a learning experience all on its own so we'll try not to let the academics slow us down.
Just last week Mark participated in a "Odyssey of the Mind" competition at The Utah Valley University and his group did a mousemobile and actually came in second place in their division.  Now before you get too excited he was only competing against two other schools.  He was excited though and first and second place winners have the opportunity to attend the national competition in Maryland in May but unfortunately this is not in Mark's forseeable future due to expenses but hey, at least he got a t-shirt and a second place ribbon to mark the occasion.
Isaac recently moved from gold to orange belt in karate and is currently at a soccer day camp learning and improving his soccer skills to help him in his upcoming spring soccer season.
These two boys are definitely the busiest in the bunch but Brock and Carter also stay busy playing with friends and learning and developing new skills at home and school.  Brock doesn't do school but he's nearly potty trained and is a pro at "Angry Birds" and riding his two-wheeled/pedalless bike.
Kayli stays busy with school work, piano and young womens.  She's really enjoying sewing and foods and has delighted us with a few different food experiements.  She's also tried using our ancient Singer sewing machine to sew with but it's just a bit too complicated for her and I'm sure after pedaling the thing to make it work she'd have given up quickly anyway, so maybe for her birthday we'll be able to get her a little sewing machine of her own to continue this new hobby.
Greg is sooo excited for spring to be here and has already mowed the lawn this year and put his first dose of fertilizer on the lawn.  He's always on the phone chatting with someone and is called upon to help for a variety of things around the neighborhood on a regular basis.  Right now he's out cleaning the garage getting bikes geared up for all the kids and making it more presentable for me to look at.

I love a productive Saturday!


Remodelaholic said...

YEA!!! Welcome to blogdom!!

I can't wait to see what the kids are doing (and you can set up your posts to automatically post to your facebook page through your notes...)

Annie B Larson said...

Great this is just one more strike agianst me. My kids have been begging me to do a blog for a long time. That means I'd have to take pictures.

Julie Lloyd said...

looks good shirley!

Jackie said...

Did you figure out how to crop your family pic? It looks a lot smaller than the first time you set it up. Lol. It looks good. Maybe when you get your family pics you can put small individual pictures (kinda like the one I have of Jovi on the side on mine) of all your kids on the side with their age. Just a thought.