Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another week of Paradise!

   We've blown through another week of summer vacation and it definitely had its ups and downs.  I've had moments of complete frustration and then pure enjoyment. One minute the kids have me pulling my hair out and the next they're helping and happy and I'm wondering what I need to do to keep their behavior going.  Anyway, it's been a fun and not all fun week.
    First I have to say that these french doors in the kitchen are a hand print magnet and nothing but frustration for me and now here's kid number six to add to my frustration.  It's a good thing he's so cute at this point because the smudges and dirty glass are not at all cute.

    We did go to the splash pad this week but I didn't have enough time to take any photos because we weren't there long thanks to the 14 year old who was asking every two minutes when we could leave so it was a short visit.  But we did make a trip to the "wooden" park in Pleasant Grove, better known as "The Discovery Park" where we had a little picnic and the kids played for a bit.  Unfortunately it was an extra busy day there so again we didn't stay too long but Brock had fun and found the perfect size pole to go down.  And lunch was good for everyone even if we didn't have enough spoons for everyone to eat their applesauce at the same time.  That's what happens when Mark is in charge of making most of the lunches.  I do have to say the kids couldn't have been better behaved, it was one of my happier days as a mom this week for sure.

This cute baby McClane loved the swing!

   Then the wind blew in and this was the damage in our backyard.  Thankfully no one was playing out back but our neighbor was outside and saw it fall and because he's just a good guy and Greg was gone at the moment he got that cleaned up in a few minutes for me.  I would have let it wait for Greg but like I said, our neighbors just a good guy.
    Well this just about wraps up our week.  We have been spending time out on the front porch and enjoying sodas from the mini-fridge we purchased but this is also a source of temptation for the kids who think they need a soda every day no matter what but they're learning.  It's also a little messy when a soda is frozen and foams up all over when you try to open it but I'm sure we'll get all the kinks worked out by the time summer is over.

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