Saturday, June 11, 2011

We've survived!!

      Well we've survived the first week of summer vacation.  I think it only took me about a week to get a schedule working.  There's still much room for improvement but at least we've got something going.

First there's this cute boy!!  I just want to eat his face!!

And what's life without a chocolate chip cookie to enjoy!

    And Mister Carter has lost another tooth and when I say lost I mean he really lost it.  He took it after it fell out and was probably trying to show it off to friends and literally lost it but thankfully the Tooth Fairy got wind of this mishap and still brought him a little something but couldn't justify paying him full price for a missing tooth so she paid him half and promised the other half if he ever finds the actual tooth.  He did look high and low that first day but has since given up and is now just working on losing the next tooth.
 Then Mark convinced us to take a little fishing lunch break at a near by park/pond.  He must have been feeling an itch because he caught a fish in the first ten minutes of casting his line.

Please ignore the inappropriate grab of Carter in the background.  P.S. We just caught and released this bad boy. (not Carter)

  Then just as the week ends we got a surprise visit from the fire departments huge ladder truck.  Don't worry, no emergency, just our neighbor coming home for a quick "Hello" to his family and you know the kids took advantage of this truck while in such close proximity to their homes.
   To bad these fire guys left so quick because they missed out on some divine chocolaty chocolate bunt cake that our neighbor baked up for everyone.
     And now the weekend is here and it's time for Greg to clean out his "Man Cave" and hopefully we'll do something fun before the weekend is over and if I'm really lucky I'll get to go out without any kids.

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