Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just Another Week in Paradise:)

        Another week has flown by and now the weekend is here which brought several visitors our way, most of which follow this blog and won't be too happy to see their faces here but too bad!
This blurred cutie pie is Kari Larson, my last Larson niece who is the best baby girl!

And here's McClane with Grandma Baker and cousin Lottie.

This is the typical Baker family gathering, just sitting around visiting.

And this is cute Asher Larson who wasn't aware I was taking his picture until it was too late to hide.

Here's Kari again and this is what happens when you're the sixth child, mom just dumps you wherever.

And here's Isaac, Asher and Jovi playing basketball with Grandpa Baker.

Aunt Ann is holding chub of love, Cole Baker who has grown a ton in just a few short weeks.

And yes, Grandma even managed to squeeze in a short nap with Brocky boy.
   Tomorrow my sweet baby niece Shae is being blessed which is the reason for all the "chaos" at our house this weekend and we're happy to accommodate as many family members as possible we only wish they could stay a day or two longer, especially if they're going to continue to restock the bridge mix supply:)
    And last but not least, McClane is definitely walking.  I'd post a video but I don't have a great video of him yet so maybe next time.  There's a picture or two that should suffice for now.
It's recently occurred to me that Brock has finally reached a new phase and isn't so hard to manage but now McClane is hitting the "busy-drive-mom-crazy" stage of life and it's going to be several more years of chasing a toddler around.
This was just seconds before he fell and put a little cut on his head.  He'll be covered in bruises for awhile.

Sorry it's blurry.       


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