Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Couple of Things

   So I mentioned in my last post about Isaac having a bit of a fit a couple weeks ago at his basketball game.  So this past week at his game his Aunt Kristin came to watch and promised him a trip to Wendy's if he could keep his cool, which he did, so the next night Aunt Kristin and Grandma Kmetzsch took Isaac to Wendy's.  They were gone for quite awhile.  When they brought him home they mentioned he'd spent a lot of time coloring a picture for some contest at Wendy's they were having that night sponsored by Wendy's and the Scouts.  Isaac was convinced he'd win and low and behold the phone rang a little after 8 p.m. and he'd won the coloring contest. (His excitement level was over the top!) So we went in the next afternoon and picked up his prize, two free kids meals and two free combo meals.  Not quite enough to feed our whole family, but half of us and that's always a good thing.  So we took Isaac and the rest of the family that night for dinner.  It was fun and miraculously all the kids were VERY well behaved.
Here's Isaac's winning coloring job.  (Sorry it's sideways but I don't have it in me to rotate it.)

Here's Brock enjoying our Wendy's dinner.

Greg, McClane and Kayli also enjoyed their meal.

Carter all sprawled out enjoying his burger.

And Mark with the coloring contest winner, Isaac living it up sitting at their own table.

And just for fun this is just a small sample of one of the many messes McClane likes to make throughout the day and this happens several times a day and this is just one room of several he likes to "work" in.

McClane likes to take the markers from the drawer and put them in the sink.

This may not look like a big mess to others but it's such a small kitchen that having even one thing on the floor makes me start to feel claustrophobic.

And then Greg gets to cuddle and nap with the little monster.  That just doesn't seem right!
  So that's my weekly report.  Lets hope we get to enjoy the week to come.  Valentine's day is always a party at school at least.  (And mom usually scores a few free pieces of candy from the stash the kids bring home.) It's the big sixth grade dance for Mark so plan on a few fun photos from that.

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