Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Little Houdini!

   There's nothing more scary then walking into the nursery Sunday to hand the roll to the teacher and then ask where McClane is only to realize he's left the room without anyone knowing and is now out the WINDOW!!  That's right, McClane climbed out the window in nursery this last Sunday.  The main nursery leader, who is fantastic, had opened the window to help with the odor of the room and while she stepped out for a minute to get something the mother helping in the room just thought McClane had gone in the corner to play where she couldn't see from her spot in the room so when I came in and didn't see him and asked where he was she told me he was in the corner but all I saw were two little chairs by the window and no McClane and then I heard this slight bell ringing (we'd attached a small bell to the back of his shirt to help the nursery leader keep track of him per her suggestion.) and walked over and there he was just kind of walking back and forth in front of the window probably deciding what he should do now that he was free.  Thank goodness he didn't take off right after climbing out or who knows where he would have ended up but to be honest I really wasn't that shocked that he did this.  He'd be the perfect baby to help baby proof a nursery room or house for a family because he can get into and out of ANYTHING!  I think squeaker shoes will be our next purchase to see if that's a little better help at keeping track of him, at least during his time in nursery each Sunday.
If only he could stay this sweet and contained all the time.
So we also had our first baseball games this week.  Both Mark and Isaac had two games each but unfortunately Mark missed his first game because he got sick but at his second game he played fantastic.  He got a triple, hitting it out the fence and a grounder the second time and even got one run in.  His team won by quite a bit which was fun to watch and keep score for.  Because I'm keeping score for Mark's team I'm not able to take photos unless Greg's with me so I don't have any pictures of Mark but here's a couple of Isaac who had his first two games and played pretty well for never playing baseball before this season.

   Isaac had a little upset at his game yesterday.  I won't go into details but lets just say he took a long walk and scared his Aunt Kristin and parents half to death but hopefully after a weekend of being grounded to the house he'll not react so rashly next time he gets upset at his coach. 
    So this was our week in a nutshell with a few other things going on but nothing blog worthy.  Now on to birthday celebrations and saying goodbye to my sister.  Happy and a lot of sad!!

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