Saturday, April 7, 2012

Only a few weeks left!

   My sister, my FAVORITE sister, is moving way far away and I'm not that happy about it.  I'm excited for her and her family but totally bummed for myself.  I'm not going to lie, I don't see her like every day, or even every week for that matter, but it's always been comforting knowing she's just a few short minutes away if I want to go visit or if she wants to come visit me.  Now we'll mostly be relying on Skype, which is not my favorite form of communication, but it's better than nothing.
    So this week she came to see us and I managed to take a couple shots of her and the girls.  I'm still not sure if Jovi can make the move, the girl wouldn't even go down the slide with a few flies on it but maybe she'll get use to all the spiders, cockroaches and lizards she'll soon be living with, or maybe she'll have to stay and live with Aunt Shirley.  (Just kidding, we have flies on our slide so that wouldn't work either.)

Jovi, Jackie and Shae

   This was the highlight of my week, plus a temple trip with Greg's family but obviously I don't have photos of that.  Anyway, I do wish my sister the best of luck on her adventure but don't judge me if I hope she doesn't love it there and they decide to move back sooner than later.


Grandpa Baker said...

saddest blog post I've ever seen

Jackie said...

We will miss you too! Especially being able to visit whenever and play in your big back yard.=) You will just have to come visit. That's if we decide to stay...