Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cinco De Mayo and extra stuff

So our neighbors all came over for a little Cinco De Mayo celebration and we had a lot of fun despite the chilly weather.
The Elmo Pinata! 

Kayli, Mark, Carter and Brock had to pose with him before they whacked him to pieces!

Some/most of the "porchies in training" ready to take a swing at Elmo.

In line for their turn to take a swing in hopes of some candy.

And to end the night we played several rounds of Pit/Spoons.  (I still struggle with the concept of spoons but it's still fun.)
   And on Sunday we had the very special experience of having Mark ordained to the Aaronic priesthood by his dad.  It was a very special event and one that we wanted to capture in some small way so right after we were done with the ordination we came home and had our neighbor take a few photos of our family so here are a few of those photos.
The 8 of us.  (Call me crazy but this doesn't look like that big a family.)

My two priesthood holders. I'm a lucky girl.

And the three generations.

Aunt Kristin always knows how to make the kid feel special.

 Then it was Family night and here's a shot of McClane helping with the lesson.  Seriously he was being pretty cute.
McClane helped Mark explain about sins.  I sware he said something to the effect of, "You'll get at least five"
     And then there was MUD and this is a little of what happens when there's mud and Brock's left to his own devices in the backyard.  He also put mud on the dog and himself but I didn't get photos of that mess.

He's still too cute and happy even with a little mud in his eye.
   So that's a few of the activities of the week.  Mark and Isaac had two ball games each and Mark won both of his and Isaac won one of his two.  Isaac also had a great hit at his game last night which was quite a thrill for him and US.  Hopefully this will give him a little more confidence for the next set of games.
    And finally Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's who might take a gander at this post.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow and opening the several gifts already piled on the fridge, especially the gift Brock and McClane picked out, I have a sneaking suspicion it's exactly what I wanted. (A new purse full of spice drops and chocolate bridge mix but I'm just "guessing".)

1 comment:

Annie B Larson said...

why don't I ever think of those things. I think Kari is going to have to go today and get me the gift I REALLY want.