Friday, May 25, 2012

Nearing the end!

   This title has a couple of meanings.  First off, we're only days away from our summer vacation and nearing the end of this school year.  It's Mark's last few days in elementary school and Kayli's last few days in middle school.  I'm actually wondering why today couldn't have been our last day of school but maybe it's better that it wasn't because to put it mildly it would not be a good ending for Isaac who had a melt down beyond description at school today resulting in a visit with the principal, his teacher and mom (on speaker phone so I could be in on the discussion) and then later a blow up at his teacher and throwing his shoe at her.  Yeah, definitely not Isaac's best school day and definitely not the way we want to end the school year.  Lets hope his last few days go better and that his consequence for his actions aren't too harsh.
    The other meaning to this title is the sad fact that our 13 year old yellow Labrador, Cosmo, is not far from heading to doggie heaven.  He most likely had a stroke yesterday morning and then sat stuck in the sun for several hours without water and has since struggled to walk.  He did get checked out by the vet who gave him some steriods to maybe give him a little more time but only time will tell.  You can just imagine the emotions running wild around here yesterday and the many different discussions we were having with some of the kids.  (I blame this in part for Isaac's emotional state at school today.)  So hopefully we'll get a little more time with Cosmo but not as long as these kids would like.
This was a couple of  years ago while hiking with Greg.  (He and Kayli are probably going to have the hardest time seeing him go.)
    So the rest of our week goes like this....
Isaac's third grade play.

He was one of the sheep in the fable, "The little boy who cried wolf."

Mark got a hair cut and I tried to convince him to let me leave this front patch but he was pretty sure people would laugh!  (As I was laughing hysterically.)

Then it was our monthly pack meeting and Isaac recieved his Bear badge.

Hard to believe this cute scout was carried kicking and screaming to the principals office just a few days after this event.

   So that's about it for our week's events.  Baseball season is nearly done, just one more game for Mark before the tournament begins. We get a nice three day weekend before finishing up our last three days of this school year and then we're having Tent City and celebrating Kayli's 15th birthday.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Sounds like you have had a pretty eventful week. That's too bad about Cosmo. Hopefully you'll be able to keep him around a bit longer. He's been a great dog.