Saturday, July 14, 2012

Greg went HIKING!

Greg went hiking this week with the Teacher's quorum and it was intense.  He left Tuesday morning.  They had 14 boys and a total of four leaders and only one of those leaders knew exactly where they were hiking each day.  They had water pumps to replenish their water supply throughout the week but unfortunately water wasn't always readily available and on the third day Greg was getting pretty dehydrated trying to conserve his water in case they didn't find more which made for a pretty emotional and draining day.  Luckily they came across a snow glacier with water running from it and then Greg was able to drink what water he had left and refill all his water bottles.  This was a small miracle among many they had throughout the week and Greg had a lot of neat experiences.  He took nearly two hundred photos but I'll only subject you to a handful of those.  He did come home a day early due to the fire which eliminated a couple of the peaks they were planning to hike to but I don't think too many of the boys were sad they had to come home a day early.  Hiking every day and sleeping out under the stars, eating very simple meals can be quite a challenge for even the most capable people.
All 14 boys on the first official day.

How does this happen at the top of the moutain?  Where does it fall from?

I'm not sure where they were headed but those ponchos did come in handy a time or two.

One of the peaks.  This is the view on the other side, sheer drop offs.

Some pretty "Indian Paintbrush" flowers.

Oh yeah!

Greg at Lake Hardy, definitely one of the prettiest stops on their journey.

When the guys got to the top of the peaks they'd take their boots off and lay like this and let the breeze blow up their feet and legs.

Another pretty shot of Lake Hardy.

Our Bishop came up the last night on horses with two others and they had a flashlight fire and testimony meeting.
 And the scariest part of the trip was on the first night.  Greg was just getting to sleep out under the stars when he heard some rustling and rummaging going on and he looks around and sees this tall hairy figure above him and thought for sure he was having his own personal witness of sasquatch/big foot.  But it was only River Jarman now better known as sasquatch. 
River Jarman a.k.a. sasquatch.  Now that's a head of hair!
   So that's Greg's week in a nutshell.  Here at home we all survived.  Kayli's been to girl's camp and due home later today.  I took all five boys to the dentist on Wednesday morning so a couple boys could have sealant put on their teeth and a couple more could have their cavities filled.  We also did some shopping and the boys got to go to the splash pad one day and the skate park another day.  I'm just glad I survived the majority of the week without Greg's help and that he's home safe.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I am glad to hear Greg survived his hike. That would have been tough. Sounds like Greg had a great time. Those are some pretty cool photos. I am also glad to hear you survived with the kids at home. It's nice having that extra help around in the afternoons. Tell everyone hi.