Saturday, June 22, 2013

Father's Day.....

           Father's Day was more exciting this year than most because it was also the day Mark returned from a ten day trip to Disney World with his Kmetzsch grandparents.  Needless to say, he had a great time and had a few things to share and hand out to his parents and siblings.
This is the hat Mark bought for himself and McClane thinks it's pretty cool too.
Mark had some fun suckers for all his brothers.
McClane loved his.
Mark got Greg and me a cute Mickey Mouse spatula and a back scratcher, this is just the spatula though.
And he even got his sister Kayli something, a keychain with stickers so she could personalize it.
And for those who know me you'll be especially impressed with my attempt at a self-made gift for Greg for Father's Day!  (I think there's room enough for one more tiny handprint that we'll add in just a couple of months.)
And on the back we put these roadways so the kids can drive their Hotwheels on his back when he's lying down.
And we also had a chance to squish this little monkey on Father's Day!  Seriously people, the head of silk he has is irresistible:-)
           So that's the scoop for this week.  Next week Mark leaves us again but this time to scout camp so I'm not looking forward to those "souvenirs".  (Dirty, stinky clothes and camping gear!)

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