Saturday, July 27, 2013

The rest of the fun.

           Here's a few photos from the rest of our fun at Steel Day's in American Fork as well as our July 24th celebrations.  It's almost impossible to believe July is days away from being over.
These boys had a blast running around before the concert started.
Here's Mark, Carter, Isaac, Kristin and Brock watching the AMAZING fireworks show after the concert.

This is July 24th and the kids are launching and catching parachute guys.
Carter got to light the 'rockets' and the other boys caught the parachute guys.
Then it was over to G & G Kmetzsch's house for hotdogs and salad.
Here's Isaac, Carter, Etta, Brock and McClane eating ice cream cones before the fireworks.
The kids loved all the fireworks we had to shoot off.
It's dark but this is the majority of the family that gathered for the 24th.
Some of the last fireworks.
        So that's about it.  Now the next exciting thing to look forward to is Alpine Day's and with the changes they're making to that event it may not be as exciting as one would hope but we'll see what happens.

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