Saturday, December 7, 2013

Home for the holidays

     Well we had a blast in Oregon and we survived the long drive home.  Now that we're home I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with what I need and want to do in the next few weeks.  The Primary stuff alone is freaking me out a little but most of it is out of my control.  This first week of December has been especially busy.  We did manage to get a Christmas tree and it only took three days to get it all decorated:). (There's just not enough hours in the day sometimes.)  We also went to Festival of Trees and afterwards drove around and looked at a few houses with the dancing lights.  And today, if the weather doesn't completely ruin my plans, we'll be going to the Live Nativity here in town that is absolutely fantastic! And if I can squeeze it in I'm hoping to have nine stockings all sewn up and ready to be hung by the end of the day.  I've finished one, my prototype so to speak and have the other 8 half way done so it's not completely out of the realm of possibilities.
    Now on to the photos from the week.
Here's the photo of Isaac that I didn't have for last weeks post.  He had such a fun time on his ride.  Thanks again Grandpa B. for the fun airplane rides.
Of course we got home just before a big snowstorm.  This was Mark's welcome home sign for our neighbor.
Here's our lovely tree all frozen and snowy, hence the beach towels on the floor.  We were too busy to go as a family to pick it out so Greg just took, Mark, Isaac, Carter and Brock.  They did a fine job I think.
This was one of several Despicable me candy houses at Festival of Trees and one of the better candy houses.
This was a COOL Mickey Mouse playhouse.  Check out the roof made out of Mickey Mouse ears.  So awesome;-)
This little monster just wanted to camp out at every tree that had anything remotely train or car like.  He would go racing back to the tree he liked and just stand and stare.  He even laid down a couple of times to get a better view of things, which was funny but not safe with all the people that were milling around.  Notice he even had his own train in hand the entire time.  He kills me!
And cute baby Charlie acquired this darling little beanie courtesy of me.  I just couldn't resist.
Brock made this candy house at school and devoured it for lunch.  (I'll take any excuse to get out of making a meal.)
And here's my first finished stocking.  I love the Chevron pattern and after seeing my Sis-in-law, Melissa's, before photos of her stocking project I was inspired.  I DIDN'T love going to the fabric store and left so frazzled that I forgot to use my 50% off coupon but I'm happy with the end result so far.
Here's the tree finally all decorated and looking more festive.
And here's a typical Saturday morning in our room.
     Now wish me luck on getting to all my 'to do' list before Christmas arrives:-)

1 comment:

Elaine Baker said...

I'm sorry that things are going to be hectic for you. Now that our Ward dinner is over, I feel like I can relax a little. We're opposites. And...that picture of Charlie looks just like Kayli does right now (don't you think?) Sure hope McClain gets a train or something for Christmas.