Friday, December 18, 2015

A candy house and Temple Square

    I bought the traditional gingerbread house kit and let the kids have a go with it Sunday after church. They didn't get it completed but they enjoyed the attempt.
I need a better system with this tradition. Next time we'll put the house together in advance before the kids actually get to do any decorating. They just don't have the patience for the actual building.
     We got plenty of snow this week and of course the boys were outside playing as much as possible and apparently couldn't even be bothered to come in to make hot chocolate so they did it outside on Mark's portable camp stove.
I'm just glad they didn't come in and make a mess in my kitchen.
    Then we made a trip to Temple Square. We road Trax and ate at McDonalds at the City Creek mall. It was a little crazy but the kids had fun and miraculously no one complained of being cold. Charlie had an issue with her ears at the end of the night but with a little Tylenol she was fine.
Riding the train is so much fun!

Can you see the slight difference in the top two photos? (Hint, check out Isaac.)
Cute girls.

Ordering for 9 at McDonald's was a bit crazy and I forgot to order something for Carter but luckily there was enough to go around and while they waited for dinner they played a little cards.
This was on the way home when Charlie was having ear aches.
     It's hard to believe that a week from today all Christmas festivities will be done! Let's hope my kids make it to that point! None of them really deserve Christmas. Let's hope the Grinch doesn't ruin their dreams!!


Elaine Baker said...

Looks like lots of fun. Merry Christmas everyone.

Jackie said...

Looks like you all are enjoying the holiday season! One week!! I sure hope all of my nieces and nephews end up on Santa's nice list very soon because that would be a sad way to end the holidays for them. Enjoy your week into Christmas.