Friday, March 22, 2019

Golden Child.

This is has been a slow week.  McClane had spacers put in his teeth and impressions made in preparation for his expander and then braces. While we waited at the orthodontist we entertained ourselves with snapchat filters. McClane was a very good sport with all the awkwardness and discomfort of the work done in his mouth. He's a little anxious and excited for what comes next. I just hope he continues to be cooperative and happy during and after his visits. And just to brag on him a bit, he's my best reader and speller out of seven kids, so far. He generally gets nearly perfect scores on his spelling tests and his reading skills are beyond any I've seen with his older siblings, it's such a treat to go to a parent/teacher conference and hear positive feedback for a change!
      McClane's a rockstar! And if you weren't aware, Spring has officially arrived, at least according to the calendar. Actually the weather has been very spring like and I'm loving every minute of it!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Go McClane!! And only if his mouth were as big as that first pic, he wouldn't have to be going through all of this ordeal. He is a trooper, I can't stand the dentist.