Friday, May 28, 2021

Can we just say, IT'S BEEN A WEEK!

      The week started out well, everything was going great, Carter got a much needed haircut, we got to spend some time cuddling baby Harley and Charlie enjoyed spending some time with her good buddy JT at his first communion ceremony. We even had the promise of graduation for Isaac and the final few days of school to enjoy. Sadly the whole week wasn't great, but lets start with a few positive photos before we get to the bad part of the week.
Carter, no question, is handsome and with short hair, beyond handsome!

Baby Harley is so sweet!

Harley even made her way to her first Sunday ice cream making session.

She was even awake for part of the night.

Auntie Charlie getting some Harley snuggles.

Charlie with buddies JT and Julius at JT's 'first communion' ceremony.

Who wore it best? Beau was a month old before this outfit fit her and Harley's only a week and a half. Both adorable!

     Despite our crazy week we were still able to get to Lone Peaks graduation ceremony May 27th and celebrate Isaac graduating high school!
Isaac and his good buddy, Tyler.

Congrats to our handsome 18 year old!

Graduation was held at the Rio Tinto stadium, which was pretty cool.

All the 'in-person' supporters.


     Here's a quick video of Isaac's name being read at graduation.

     So on to the worst part of our week, Mark crashing his newly acquired BMW motorcycle! Let me just preface this tragedy with just a few of the miracles and tender mercies that occurred despite the trauma of the actual event. First and foremost, Mark, at least, had the wherewithal to wear his helmet even if the rest of his attire wasn't so smart, muscle shirt specifically! Also, there's no question that angels were in attendance because from his injuries it's crazy that he doesn't have even one broken bone or worse! I won't share the photos of his physical injuries he sustained, those might be a little too personal to share here on this public blog, but I will share a photo and video of his motorcycle and helmet. Lets just say he has a fair amount of road rash and needs a vat of Silver cream to slather over his injuries. That helmet will stay around as a reminder of how vital that piece of safety equipment actually is! Another miracle was how we found out about his accident. Because he's 21 the first responders are not required to notify parents/family so we would have never known about this accident if Greg hadn't had the thought/prompting to check Mark's location on the life 360 app. When he saw Mark was at a hospital he reached out immediately to Mark and thankfully got him on the phone right away and was able to talk with the ER nurse and get the low down on his condition and was relieved to hear he was actually pretty well off and able to be released that same night. Of course we made our way down to the ER right away. Seeing him lying in the bed all bloody and scraped up was a bit overwhelming but we were just both so happy he was alive! 
    Apparently he and his buddy thought it was a great idea to go on a ride around Utah lake and unfortunately they came up on a pretty share curve that Mark wasn't prepared for and going anywhere between 60 to 75 miles per hour he left the asphalt and tumbled/slid across the dirt and gravel. He definitely suffered a concussion and has some pretty sore muscles but I'm sure it won't be long before he can walk and move a little more easily. Sadly the bike wasn't registered or insured so there's no one but Mark to pay for this accident and what those costs might be are still a mystery for now. Lets just hope he can get back to full function soon so he can get back to working and earning money.

The front of the bike and his helmet definitely took the brunt of the impact.

     The other little miracle was finding out our friend's towing company was the one that picked up the bike so we didn't have to search far and wide to find out where it was towed. It wasn't a cheap tow but it could have been way worse and now we know it's totaled and can walk away not wondering what shape it really was in. I'm also glad we could get our hands on the helmet. That's probably the best gift we've ever bought Mark! Here's a short video of Mark's bike from back to front, side to side. So glad he survived this accident and lets hope he's learned some valuable lessons from this experience. Between the scrubbing of his wounds and the frequent bandage changes, life for him is going to be rough for awhile!

     There's more tender mercies I could go into but I've already gone on too long. Mostly this post is more for future reference then anything else. If you've gotten to this point, just know that we are very aware of who's watching over all of us on a regular basis and we could not be more grateful! Now on to a great summer break!

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