Friday, August 16, 2024

Alpine days, birthdays and school days!

    We had a great time celebrating Alpine days. Between the parade, hanging out with friends, the many fun activities at the park and the spectacular fireworks show, it was a great time. I failed to get a lot of photos but a few friends took some and shared with me.

This was the only photo I took at the park. It's exhausting being one!

I got my first henna tattoos.

Ready for fireworks.

    Then we celebrated Beau's 5th birthday. She was pretty excited to get a pedal bike that looks a lot like her aunt Charlie's.
She was riding like a pro in just a few short minutes.

How cute is that!?

    Then it was Charlie's turn to be celebrated. She's officially 11! She had a pretty great day. Gifts, lunch with friends and her own jello-cheesecake.

All her Shein and Temu wish items made it in time for her birthday.

Lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe.

Yummy jello-cheesecake.

These girls showed up to wish Charlie a happy birthday.

Kayli hooked her up with some great bling!

    And, despite my protests, the first day of school has arrived. Oh well, back to the 4 a.m. schedule for me.

Junior year!

Eighth grade!

Sixth grade! 

    The last day of 6th grade/elementary school can't come soon enough, in my opinion! Last year of having a kid in elementary school, I can't wait to be done with that school! 
    Anyway, quite an eventful week! Let the quiet days of being home alone for several hours begin.

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