Friday, August 9, 2024

Creeps, car show, a surprise or two and rodeo fun!

    This Sunday this creepy spider tried to crash our ice cream party! Yikes!

I think he was chilling in the bag of salt.

    Another great set of gel-nails!

    A fun night at the Alpine car show. This was the only car worth photographing.

Cute little Triumph TR3A 1959.

    My friend and I thought it would be fun to make this poster for a friend. It's a bit of an inside joke and I won't go into the details here, but I definitely wanted to at least document the photos for memories sake. Lets just say our friend didn't find our 'poster-humor' nearly as funny as we did. Good times!

The first install before the wind tore it down. 

Attempt #2

Our hiding spot so we could see/hear our friends reaction. (It wasn't what we expected.)

    Then Carter showed up with a 'big-boy' bike! He traded in his Honda Grom for this Yamaha. 
I don't know about this!

Showing his dad his new 'toy'.

    Then it was rodeo night. It was actually Rio and Makayla's first rodeo. 

A selfie before the crowd arrived.

Lets go!

Cash cow and a line of cowboys.

And Charlie can't miss a photo with the best rodeo clown.

    Such a great week and we still have the Alpine parade and fireworks to look forward to. And we're still not talking about school starting in 6 sleeps. First we need to celebrate a couple birthdays!

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