Saturday, July 16, 2011

A mucher slower week!

     Like I said last week, this week was going to be much slower and it was.  We did have the "Kansas" concert we got to attend in American Fork and the spectacular firework show Saturday night.  We did lose Brock for a few minutes but he wasn't lost, he knew right where he was and thanks to my husband, who's far more over anxious then me, he had it announced to the whole crowd that he was missing so now all of Utah County is aware of my bad parenting skills, AWESOME!!  Anyway, it was a fun night even if it was a little damp!  Thanks to Auntie Kristin who volunteers and makes events like that FREE!!
Here's the three year old boy in red and white stripes that went missing!!

Aunt Kristin

"Kansas" along with the American Fork Symphony were pretty awesome.

Steve, McClane and Kristin.  Baby McClane stayed awake for the entire show, unlike his brothers....

Carter and Isaac who slept for the last hour or so and even through all the fireworks.
   We did have swim lessons all week and I can't tell you what a little fish all the boys are but especially Brock.  That kid would live with his head in the water if it was humanly possible.  And McClane would like in on the action too but I'm never up for swimming after I'm all showered so he had to settle for playing with the tube on the grass.

   Now on to another week and hopefully not much more exciting then the last.

1 comment:

Annie B Larson said...

I'm still laughing. Did you put him in that shirt on purpose. He looks like "Where's Waldo" You could have just made it a game for the crowd. Whoever finds Waldo every 15 minutes gets a free popsicle.
Tell Kristin and Heidi they both look fabulous!