Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Little Fun!

    We've had a little fun this week but it's basically been another slow week with fantastic weather and healthy and happy kids.
     Kayli and Mark did get to go to Lagoon with their Uncle Josh and Aunt Camille and while they were having a day of fun we had a chance to take the other kids to a fun swimming pool in Lindon for an hour and they had a blast.

     This morning we had the Alpine Day's parade which was the shortest parade in history but still always fun and we never say no to free candy and we got a small amount to enjoy.

      Tad and Megan came down from Idaho this weekend and are staying at our place and I can't believe how their three boys have grown.  Baby Cole is nearly the same size as McClane but five months younger.  The kid is a solid "Chub of Love" and super sweet.  Tonight we'll have dinner together and hopefully enjoy the fireworks show put on by the city too.

This is baby Shae who came to visit this week.  Could she be any cuter!?  She is also a "Chub of Love".

Greg, McClane and Brock after some fun in the pool.

Brock after swimming.  This boy LOVES the water!!

Carter had a blast as well at the pool.

And so did Isaac and he would have liked to try the wave machine but the line was a bit too long.

And here is Cole and McClane.  Cole is enjoying a "bit" of McClane.

It's hard to appreciate in a picture just how solid little Cole is.

What a cutie!

Here's cousin Austin and Isaac waiting for more candy to come their way at the parade.

And here's Brock eating what candy he collects.

Megan and Tad came over for the parade this morning too with their cute boys.
  Only one more full week left before school starts!  Wish us luck!!

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