Saturday, August 27, 2011


   I have come to the conclusion that I'd almost rather go to school myself than send my kids. I'd only have to worry about one classroom, one teacher, one set of supplies and rules.  As it is, four kids, three in Elementary and one in Middle school is a bit overwhelming and frustrating but we survived our first week and the kids are happy over all with their teachers, classmates and everything in general.  (And I've got enough glue sticks and dry erase markers to last this year and maybe next.)
    Here's their "first day of school" photos.  I guess a good mom actually goes to the school to get photos but I'm not that dedicated.  I actually would have forgotten altogether if my sister hadn't reminded me.
Carter headed to 1st Grade.

Isaac starting 3rd grade.

Kayli's in 9th grade/first year of high school or last year of middle school, however you want to look at it.

And Mark's ruling the school as a sixth grader.
     We also had my baby sister, Marie and her darling little girl Lottie come visit this week.  We didn't see that much of them but enough to snap a few pictures.  I don't believe a photo does Lottie justice but she's still pretty dang cute in a photo.

Sorry it's blurry but I took like 10 pictures and there was too much movement but you can still see how cute both these two are.

She even let me do her hair each morning.
   I did get to go walking with my girlfriend a few days this week.  We've been walking early in the morning all summer but with school back in session the only time that works is after 9 a.m. and of course we now have to bring our smaller kids.  She only has one boy but I've got the two and pushing them in a stroller is no easy work out I have to say.  While we walk and visit Brock's been playing on the Iphone and taking photos so here's his view from the stroller.
    Mark passed his hunter safety course, both the shooting and written test.  He had to take the shooting test twice because he got a little trigger happy the first time and shot too quickly but the second time went much better and he passed with flying colors.   

This is the only photo we got of him at the shooting range.  He's scoping out his target to see how well he did before he's allowed to walk out and see it up close.
   Well that's pretty much it for the week.  I'm just glad we've survived and have quickly gotten back into our school routine.  I do love early bedtime!!

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