Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ode to McClane (and a couple other boys).

    McClane is a cute, sweet baby boy who keeps us busy but also rewards us in so many ways.  Here are a few recent photos of him and his sweeter side.

He's obsessed with putting any clothing item he can find over his head and walking around.
Listening in on his big sister's phone conversation.  He giggled every time they talked.  It was pretty cute.
And just a side note, if you ever call our house and the line is busy, 9 out of 10 McClane has taken the phone and left it somewhere off the hook.

Chillin' with Dad and Grandma Baker.

Lovin' Dad!

Could this be any cuter!?

So silly!

     So then we have a few other boys and some silliness.  I have pictures of just a few of those moments of joy they've experienced this past week.

Dad and his big "baby" Mark!

This is right after mom mentioned this would be a perfect photo for the blog.

And just this morning, a chocolate milk blowing bonanza!
  So that's about it.  Baseball try outs are today and both Mark and Isaac are signed up and the insanity officially will begin next month.  Can't Wait!

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