Saturday, March 3, 2012

St. George!

    Greg had a water conference to attend in St. George, Utah this past week and by one or two miracles, I was able to go with him while the six kids stayed home with my mom who was able to sacrifice a week of work and drive 700 miles to help me out.  THANK YOU is not enough to show my appreciation but she won't take money so that's about all I can offer.  Needless to say, the kids were in good hands and had a great time and so did Greg and I.
It's hard to get a good photo with just an iphone camera but we did our best.

Jumping on a hotel bed is ok, right?!  What else should we have used it for? Ha ha

A fun center "Fiesta Fun" was one of our activites.  We actually didn't really play these games just took photos to send the kids to make them feel bad.  We're the best parents ever!

We may not have actually played these games but we did ride the go-karts which was really fun.

This is what Greg was looking forward to the most, the skeet shoot.  He did pretty good for never practicing.

It was 50 shots and he got 25.  He was second place out of his two co-workers.

  We ate out each night and had some yummy food.  We found a really yummy cookie shop "The Sugar Cookie"and had a few sugar cookies and brought a few home to the kids.  Mostly I just hung out in our hotel room and watched a lot of home design shows and baby stories.  Either I'm going to update the house or have a baby, I'm still debating!  Just kidding!
   When we got home the kids were pretty chaotic and happy to see us.  McClane wasn't sure what to think of us.  I don't think he realized we were even gone until we were back.  There's no doubt I missed him the most but definitely enjoyed my little break.  Now back to REALITY!

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