Friday, May 15, 2015

Mother's Day and a 1st grader

     This year for Mother's Day my only request was not to be given a receipt after given a gift. There's nothing more depressing than writing down the amount of your gift in a check register that has very little funds in it. I did give Greg coupons for Papa Murphy's pizza and pots of flowers in case he needed a little inspiration. He executed everything perfectly, and NO RECEIPT! (Now I have to come up with money for what he was saving up for.)
       Here's what I woke up to Mother's Day morning.
Gorgeous! Even better than I imagined!
     Greg had intended to have them in place on the deck and the deck all swept off and clean but the weather was not cooperating. It wasn't until later that they were able to be placed in their proper locations and the deck was cleaned off. (The deck being cleaned off only lasts a very short time.)

     And we did enjoy our Papa Murphy's for dinner. There's nothing better than a no hassle dinner on any day but especially on Sunday. 
      I also received this fun note/poem from Mark for Mother's Day.

      If you can't read the photo of the note, this is what it says, "My name is Mark and you are my mom did you know you are the bomb? Sometimes you let us have our fun but then you say come here Hon, you then ask me to do some jobs but I start whining like Calvin and Hobbes, you then get really mad and I get very sad I wish I would've just done what you asked instead of being a little a#!. I'll try to help instead of pout so then you will not shout. McClane is wearing a little vest I hope this Mother's Day is the best."
     The other fun event of the week was Brock's first grade program. He and his fellow first-graders sang several cute songs about good manners. Here's a photo or two of him before the program. I refuse to take photos or video during the program because it's so annoying when all the other parents are doing it as well and it's hard to get a good view without interference.

    And here's a cute photo of Charlie snuggling up with Isaac.

        So that's our week in a nutshell. This coming week begins some of the graduation activities for Kayli, which should be fun. (How did we get to this point?!)


Elaine Baker said...

Wow! Your deck looks beautiful. And that poem....its' the bomb.

Jackie said...

Those flowers are gorgeous and look great! It sounds like your Mother's Day was pretty special. I was hoping you'd post a pic of McClane in his cute vest. =) Nice job on the poem Mark.