Friday, March 16, 2018


This week we've had a few changes, additions and returns. First I bought Greg this lounge chair that he's wanted for quite awhile. (Addition) He's loving it and he was enjoying the sun that was out for a minute earlier this week.

Then we had the Red Pearl returned to her rightful place at the side of the driveway. 
She may not currently run but at least she's home and can be worked on.
       Then we began the remodeling project we've been planning for awhile now. Say goodbye to this massive wall! Getting the electrical figured out may take a minute but I'm glad we've finally begun this 'open concept' remodel. (Change)
The kids sure had fun practicing their graffiti skills before demo began.

What's more fun then writing on the walls!?
     Then today I had a minute of time with this kid and he agreed to a haircut as long as it was at a legit barber shop. I agreed without hesitation and would have paid almost any price for this haircut and it was worth every dime and was even worth Charlie being a few minutes late to preschool. (Which is unheard of for me!) (Change/return)
Seriously!? Why can't he see how much more handsome he is clean cut!?

Our Grand puppy also got a haircut, bath and generally all dolled up. She's so cute!
She's finally getting the potty training thing down but she did pee on my shoe when I picked her up from the groomer out  of pure joy and excitement to see me. Silly puppy!
     So there you have it, change, returns and additions. This week has flown by and only 87 days 7 hours and 49 minutes until the Atkinson's 'hit the states'!

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