Friday, April 13, 2018

Progress and memory lane

     So the work is coming along in the kitchen. It's been interesting working with a makeshift kitchen island. It's also been nice having the floor finished. Greg also did a little paint on the ceiling but there's still quite a bit of painting still to do and of course lots of cabinets that have to be assembled. Greg put together the first two to make sure the floor was laid correctly with the new cabinets. The plans this weekend are to finish painting the ceiling, get the few patches on the walls filled and possibly paint a wall or two that doesn't need any patching.
Cutting the current kitchen counters so we can expose the floor that needs flooring. 

Greg got to help our buddy, Brandon, sand the ceiling with this cool sander that attaches to a shop vac to eliminate a majority of the dust.

Here's Brandon putting on the orange peel texture in the kitchen to match up with the ceiling texture in the front room.
The flooring going down. It may seem simple but working with the 12 different patterns the flooring comes in gets a little tricky and is basically like putting together a puzzle but a puzzle where the pieces don't match up once they're put in place. 

Here's a glimpse of the new cabinetry! I'm so excited!!

The flooring is all done.

     This week I had to find a dozen or more photos of Mark to give a woman in our ward so she can add them to a photo slideshow of all the graduating seniors from our ward. Mark may not officially graduate until the end of the summer but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to reflect on the past 18 years. I can't believe he's nearly 18 and has grown so tall. He was always such a cute boy and is now a handsome young man and even though he's adding a few white hairs to my head he's still a good boy at heart. Enjoy the photos. They're not the best quality because they're mostly photos of photos but they're still fun to look at. (It's also fun to look back at the other kids to see how they've grown.

Probably one of my most favorite photos of these two of all time!

     Well that's our fun week. I'm sure I'll have more kitchen photos to share next weekend. And of course lets not forget our count down! Only 59 days 1 hour and 40 minutes until the Atkinson's hit the states. That's less than 2 months people!!!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

What fun photos! It is hard to believe Mark is so old. I remember holding him as a baby oh so long ago. Crazy! Your kitchen is lookin pretty awesome! Can't wait to see it in person in less than 59 days!!! So freaking excited!