Friday, May 10, 2019

Hope of America!

      This week was a bit busy. We had Hope of America for Brock, which was as cool as always. McClane had to get a second expander and that was placed this week. Thankfully it wasn't as torturous as last weeks orthodontist visit. McClane also had a singing program at school, "Take a Stand", which is always fun. I got a couple early Mother's Day gifts and we've had a lot of rain!
This girl has some cuddlers. 

One of the best patriotic programs! 
     I took video of one of the best songs of the program but it's too long for youtube, which is the only way I know how to put videos on the blog, so I guess we'll just keep it for our personal viewing pleasure.
I would have missed this program if McClane wouldn't have called me three minutes before it started!
Waiting at the orthodontist office with McClane... or is it Melanie. Ha ha
    I went to Kayli's work this week and saw this cute bag hanging on the wall and because it's a Michael Kors bag, even second hand, it's a bit spendy and I wasn't really there for a new purse but her co-worker suggested it would be a great Mother's Day gift, which I agreed with. Well fast forward to later that day when Kayli sent me a photo of some cute things she'd bought for the baby and her house and I see a small section of this bag in the background of the photo and I thought, YES! She bought me the bag I wanted! So when we were there tonight (Greg was helping install their new microwave and oven) I asked if I could have my mother's day gift early and then showed her, her rookie move with the photo she sent me so she had little choice but to hand it over. Ha ha! I love this bag! It's my first 'fancy' purse!
Michael Kors or does it stand for Momma K.?
    I also was giving Isaac a hard time about getting me something for Mother's day, since he just got paid, and after some squawking he came back from running errands and had this $20 gift card to Fiiz for me, AWESOME! I also got two flower plants and some cute cards from McClane and Charlie so it's already been a great Mother's Day in advance!
I'm not addicted but I definitely look forward to my Fiiz visits twice a week!
      So now I can look forward to Sunday because anything else will just be a bonus. I can also look forward to sunny weather for Mother's day, so the weather people say. I'm definitely done with the rain and wind!

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