Friday, October 11, 2019

Conference, babies and fall

     Our conference weekend was different but good. I tried to make it a little more inviting for the kids and although that meant a little less listening it did keep them home and happy while conference was on and hopefully they heard something and I'll be sure to read the talks when my November Ensign arrives. Part of conference I got to spend tending baby Beau, so I got some peace and quiet for at least one session.
Puzzles, coloring, candy and pumpkin pie were all a hit.

She's the sweetest!

    My friend has been taking me along with her as she hikes Timp cave a couple days a week and Wednesday she got me up and down twice in a row and so we decided to stop and take a couple photos as a way of a break. This hike is, pretty much, a little over a mile straight up the mountain and is a great workout and the scenery is amazing. The sharp drop offs are a little disconcerting but I manage to avoid looking down for the most part. I sure love where I live!

     This weekend should be a little less exciting. It's going to be weird attending our 'new' ward Sunday but I'm looking forward to my new calling! Greg and I are both going to be working with the youth and I'm so excited! It's been a lot of years since I've been in Young Women and I'm excited for the change. It's going to be fun finding out where people have been called to serve as the whole ward gets a complete over haul. I'm also looking forward to a short week of school this coming week and a few days break from the kids as Greg plans to take them camping for a few days.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Yay for Conference! We are watching it now. That is so exciting that you and Greg will be serving with the youth! Exciting times!! And yes, you do live in a beautiful place.